Author: Jo Butcher

Re-create the wonder and beauty of twelve picturesque scenes, as you join Jo on her journey to capture the realism of nature using her trademark layering technique, combining a simple watercolor wash, a handful of embroidery stitches and a palette of the prettiest colors.

  • SeascapeThe water greets the sky surrounded by cow parsley, daisies and a scattering of tiny flowers
  • HollyhocksElegant spires, in shades of dusky pink and soft green, stretch towards the sky
  • Bluebells Under the BirchesA carpet of pure, blue flowers spreads beneath a canopy of birch leaves
  • Topiary in the BorderPerfect topiary spheres rise above a colourful sea of iris, geum, verbena and echinacea flowers
  • Amongst the DaisiesA field of fresh, white daisies, some crowned with a golden eye, spread beneath the sun
  • IrisesRich, velvety petals of the purple iris rise above a sea of sword-like leaves
  • Cottage GardenSwathes of flowers, large and small, meld together in perfect harmony
  • Alliums &TopiaryGlobes of purple allium flowers echo the neatly clipped sphere of a topiary ball
  • Silver BirchesGraceful trunks of ghostly white rise through a woodland garden of ferns and cow parsley
  • FoxglovesIn every shade of pink, proud foxgloves stand sentinel over their garden companions
  • Cow ParsleyThe delicate lace of white cow parsley flowers decorates a field of wheat
  • Poppies & CornflowersPapery, pink skirts of poppy flowers twirl amongst the cornflowers

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