Creative Stitching
Second Edition

Sue’s book “Creative Stitching” includes step by step concise written instructions, along with clear illustrations, to 50 of Sue’s Favorite Stitches.

Included are close up, color, photographic examples of each of the stitches used. The beginning of “Creative Stitching: gives you a detailed look into the needles and threads sue uses and throughout the book are never before seen color photographs of Sue’s work.

“Creative Stitching” is spiral bound to stay open to the page you are using, is small in size to conveniently take with you anywhere, has an alphabetical index in the back of the book along with a category breakdown of stitches in the front which allow you to choose a stitch by the effect you are look for.

“Creative Stitching” is the must have book for you to begin creating highly embellished, textural pieces of art.

  • Over 20 new stitches
  • New chapter – Stitch Variations
  • New highly detailed illustrations & photographs
  • Updated section – Needles & Threads


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